Effortless Real Estate Investing
Outstanding Return On Investment
About Us
Rock Solid can help you achieve your financial freedom through real estate investing with little or no effort for the Investor. With over 25 years of experience, knowledge and a proven success record, our investments provide high returns with reduced risk and little effort by the Investor. We are also proud to say that over the 25+ years, we have never lost a dime of Investor's money, and that's through 3 recessions!* Learn More >
Financial Freedom
Financial freedom through real estate investing made effortless for the Investor. Life on your terms....
R.E. Investing Made Easy
No experience? No time? Don't want the hassle? No problem!
Proven Real Estate Strategies
For over 25 years, our proven strategies have provided superior returns with a key objective of investment protection.

Does this sound like you?
Your Investment And Retirement Accounts Are Not Meeting Your Expectations
Or You Currently Get Only 1-3% In Your GIC’s, Money Market or Savings Accounts
You Would Like To Diversify With More Investment Choices
You Like The Security and High Returns Of Real Estate But Don’t Want The Hassle Of Real Estate Investment
Then you NEED to Contact Us!
Experts At What We Do
We are experts at analyzing real estate markets. Identifying the investments and areas that will provide the highest yields and greatest security is our top priority.
Not all real estate is created equal. Rock Solid uses a proven analysis system and real estate strategies that maximize returns while protecting your investment.
We invest in potential growth areas 4-8 years BEFORE our competitors “wake up” and discover the “diamond in the ruff” that they have missed.
18% Average Annualized Return For Investors Since Inception*
We Are NOT A Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)
We use a much more powerful model
We are not a REIT, where you invest your money and you do not know where it goes. We work on a Joint Venture (JV) partnership model, where your name is secured on the title of the property. You can touch your property and see the actual performance numbers of that specific property.
A critical difference between Rock Solid’s model and other investments: We do not make any money unless you make money! There is no better incentive to ensure top performance. Most Investment Companies get paid first and you get what is left over. Ask your current Investment Advisor to sign a contract where “if you do not make money, then they do not make money” and see what they say?
Did we mention that we have never lost a dime of Investor money!*
*Previous performance does not guarantee future returns.